Thursday, November 3, 2011

Acne Diets : Do They Work?

So we have ALL heard of them.
Acne diets, but do they actually work?

From personal experience, I can say this: With a proper diet, coupled with careful treatment of your skin, they DO work!!

My whole childhood and young adulthood, I have had to deal with acne and the troubles it gave me. 
  • social anxiety
  • never going out in public
  • depression
  • stress
  •  harming my face with hundreds of random creams/lotions
  • and avoiding all mirrors..

Number One Most Important Thing:
You must drink Water, and a lot of it. People underestimate just how important this can be to your health. Not only can this help your acne problems, it will improve your overall well-being.Water is an amazing substance - It will wash out all of the dirty toxins you may have acquired in your body, almost like taking an internal shower.

Processed foods, they are delicious, fast and easy to make, and cheap. The perfect food right? It is because of those factors, that so many people rely on them as a quick breakfast or even full dinner meal. However, they are downright horrible for the body.

    Basically, I began using this program with many doubts. Nothing else had worked, so why would this? 
    I began to change my diet/lifestyle/and treatment of my face as was instructed, and slowly my cysts and whiteheads all diminished in size.

    Finding out what certain things flared up my acne, and learning how to eliminate them, is the single MOST IMPORTANT aspect of this program.

    This product has helped me transform my life, and I think it should be shared with everyone facing any issues with acne.